
Music Ministry

First Baptist Church Music Ministry provides a wide variety of opportunities for those interested in leading through music. The Sanctuary choir offers special musical selections each week in worship as well as special musical events during Advent and Lent seasons in the Christian Calendar Year.  First Baptist Church is fortunate to own a four-octave set of Schulmerich Handbells and a two-octave set of Yamaha Hand Chimes.  The Handbell choir prepares to share specials throughout the year with major emphasis for ringing placed on the Easter and Christmas Seasons.  This Choir also rings with all the hymns every week in worship.  The Sanctuary Orchestra is comprised of Youth and Adults and plays each week during worship with the congregational singing.  The Orchestra also prepares for seasonal events and accompanies the Sanctuary choir when appropriate.  A full Graded Choir Program is offered for children ages 3 years through 5th Grade. Our Graded Choirs sing during Worship throughout the year.
